

JLR's global sales exceed 110k units from July to September

On October 28, British luxury car company Jaguar Land Rover announced its performance. It is reported that from July to September 2020, Jaguar Land Rover’s cumulative global sales reached 113,569 units, an increase of 53.3% compared to the previous quarter. Among them, the Chinese market grew by 14.6% month-on-month. As the most important product of Jaguar Land Rover this year, the new Land Rover Defender sold 4,508 units worldwide in September.

English2020-10-28 16:49:59

JLR released Q3 sales, over 3000 Defenders have been ordered

It is reported that the overall sales of Jaguar Land Rover in the third quarter of 2020 are on the rise, an increase of 14.6% compared to the second quarter. In September, Jaguar Land Rover sales increased by 28.5% compared to the same period last year. Among them, the new Land Rover Defender has been officially launched in July this year and the cumulative number of orders has exceeded 3,000.

English2020-10-13 15:17:36

Is the new Land Rover Defender expensive?

"The spirit totem of the Land Rover brand"-a new generation of Defenders finally launched at the Chengdu Auto Show. This legendary model not only has unprecedented off-road performance, but also has a set of extraordinary and exquisite hunting outfits. The price of the 110 five-door version in the Chinese market is between 778,000 yuan and 958,000 yuan. It has become a highlight of the luxury SUV market recently.

English2020-07-27 14:09:06


12025款大众ID.4 CROZZ上市 一口价14.99万元起
2025款大众ID.4 CROZZ上市 一口价14.99万元起

日前,一汽-大众ID.4 CROZZ 2025款正式上市,其中纯享版一口价14.99万元,长续航PURE+版一口价18.59万元。

2普拉多推出全能TX限时智享版 权益价仅47.98万起
普拉多推出全能TX限时智享版 权益价仅47.98万起



在这一片 “涨声” 之中,市场格局变化也已埋下新的伏笔。



5路特斯正式更名为莲花跑车 那个莲花它回来了
路特斯正式更名为莲花跑车 那个莲花它回来了


6吉利汽车2024年销量突破217万辆 同比增长超32%
吉利汽车2024年销量突破217万辆 同比增长超32%


7全新BMW 2系四门轿跑车上市 售价25.99万元起
全新BMW 2系四门轿跑车上市 售价25.99万元起

2025年1月2日,全新BMW 2系四门轿跑车正式上市,新车共推出3款车型,售价区间为25.99万-36.39万元。

8东风奕派eπ007如奕版上市 限时到手价13.46万起
东风奕派eπ007如奕版上市 限时到手价13.46万起


9坦克500 Hi4-Z售36.38万元,纯电续航201km
坦克500 Hi4-Z售36.38万元,纯电续航201km


10五菱缤果SUV官方补贴价 510km续航版售8.98万元
五菱缤果SUV官方补贴价 510km续航版售8.98万元

2025年1月1日,五菱汽车宣布,五菱缤果SUV 510km续航版官方补贴价8.98万元,宣告超500km续航新能源汽车售价迈入八万级。