

VW Power Day reveals plans for batteries and charging

A week ago, Volkswagen Group held a Power Day event, Volkswagen CEO Herbert Dies

English2021-03-17 16:45:34

Toyota sold 9.52 mln vehicles worldwide in 2020, returning to sales top

IIA was informed that the Toyota Group's global sales in 2020 exceeded 9.52 million, surpassing the German Volkswagen Group, and once again topped the global sales list five years later. According to data, the Toyota Group’s total annual sales, including its subsidiaries Daihatsu Industry and Hino Motors, were 9,528,438 vehicles, and the German Volkswagen Group’s total sales were 9,305,400 vehicles.

English2021-01-29 17:40:17

VW accelerates electrification, and Chinese market demand has become dominant

In 2020, under the dual pressure of economic contraction and COVID-19, the total sales of China's auto market will fall back to about 20 million vehicles, a year-on-year decrease of about 6%, which has led to fiercer competition for the market share of major auto groups. Even in such a general environment, Volkswagen Group (China) delivered 3.85 million vehicles throughout the year, with a market share of 19.3%, accounting for nearly one-fifth of the entire Chinese auto market, and a well-deserved sales hegemon.

English2021-01-27 18:55:49

共同拓展国际布局 威马与韩国明信集团签署协议

日前,网通社从官方获悉威,威马汽车与韩国汽车产业集团(株)明信集团Myoung Shin Group正式签署战略合作协议。双方将共同探索智能电动汽车整车出口、生产制造、新零售模式、智慧出行等领域的合作机会。

新车2020-12-24 16:06:09

Chery up 36.4% YoY in November

IIA learned that Chery Group sold 101,900 vehicles in November, a year-on-year increase of 36.4%. Among them, domestic sales were 88,454 units, a year-on-year increase of 31.7%, and overseas sales were 13,446 units, a year-on-year increase of 78.3%. NEV sold 7,623 vehicles, an increase of 67.5% year-on-year.

English2020-12-04 13:38:40

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1郑州日产锐骐6 pro上市 售价9.19万元起
郑州日产锐骐6 pro上市 售价9.19万元起

日前,郑州日产锐骐6 pro正式上市,新车提供35种款型选择,其中,汽油版车型售价区间为9.19-11.49万元,柴油版车型售价区间为9.69-13.29万元。

2售价15.19-17.39万元 深蓝L07正式上市
售价15.19-17.39万元 深蓝L07正式上市


3smart精灵#5正式开启预售 预售价24.5万元起
smart精灵#5正式开启预售 预售价24.5万元起




5极氪7X正式上市 售价22.99万-26.99万元
极氪7X正式上市 售价22.99万-26.99万元


6五菱缤果SUV五座版上市 售价7.58万元起
五菱缤果SUV五座版上市 售价7.58万元起




8小鹏MONA M03第1万辆下线 日均新增订单超2000
小鹏MONA M03第1万辆下线 日均新增订单超2000

9月20日,“小鹏汽车第50万台暨MONA M03第1万台下线”仪式在肇庆基地举行。

9捷途新大圣正式上市 售价10.99万-12.99万元
捷途新大圣正式上市 售价10.99万-12.99万元


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全新岚图梦想家上市 售价32.99万-44.99万元
