


Tesla Model 3 becomes NEV sales champion of the year

IIA learned that in December 2020, Tesla Model 3 sales reached a new high, with a total of 23,804 vehicles were sold. The annual sales volume was 137,459 units, becoming the champion of China's NEV sales in 2020.

English2021-01-13 14:46:31

China-made Model 3 starts exporting to Europe

IIA learned from Tesla that the Chinese-made vehicles exported to Europe at the Tesla Super Factory Shanghai were held at the Tesla Super Factory Shanghai. The Model 3 made in China passed all certification requirements for entering the European market and was officially exported to more than ten European countries including Germany, France, Italy, and Switzerland. High-quality smart electric vehicles made in China are accelerating their global presence.

English2020-10-27 15:45:39

CFBC's new energy battery for FME platform put into production

It is reported that CATL-FAW Power Battery Company (CFBC) officially started production. According to the report, the new energy power battery products made by FAW Intelligent will mainly support all models of the "Hongqi" FME platform and FAW-Volkswagen MEB platform models to fully promote the process of FAW Group's electrification strategy.

English2020-09-29 14:49:15

Tesla's Q2 revenue was USD 6.036 billion, made profit for 4 consecutive quarters

Tesla released its 2020 Q2 financial report. It is reported that Tesla’s Q2 revenue reached USD 6.036 billion and net profit was USD 104 million. It has made profit for 4 consecutive quarters. Affected by the new crown epidemic in Q2, Tesla's Fremont plant stopped production, and the Shanghai Gigafactory became the main force for delivery.

English2020-07-23 11:52:53

Chinese-made Tesla Model 3 long-range rear-drive version can last 668km

On March 6, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the third batch of "Recommended Vehicle List for the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles" in 2020.

English2020-03-09 15:37:15

Chinese-made Model 3 to deliver on Jan. 7

The IIA learned from Tesla that the Chinese-made Model 3 will be officially delivered to consumers on January 7th, and a celebration event will be held on that day. It is reported that Tesla CEO Musk will attend the delivery ceremony in person.

English2020-01-03 11:49:46

NIO ES8, first on-road testing, you need to know more

NIO, due to its media-background CEO and fastest Nurburgring lap record made by the EP9, is considered to be the “celebrity” in the auto circle. Over the past three years since its establishment, every news about NIO can trigger public concern, especially in the past six months. NIO has gradually completed the delivery of its first batch of the ES8, the opening of several NIO Houses, and the IPO in the United States, step by step. It is undeniable that companies that are excellent and have innovative ideas cannot be separated from the support of good products. After more than half a year since the introduction of the NIO ES8, we conducted the first time on-road test in the urban area. Personally, I think that the driving experience and technology configuration are completely worth the price. As for the max cruise range, you totally don’t need to anxious about.

English2018-09-10 10:27:51

Tesla and NIO, they make different choices

On August 7, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, announced the privatization of Tesla. On August 14, NIO finally made substantial progress in its going public in the US after long-time rumors. NIO formally submitted an initial public offering (IPO) prospectus to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), applying for listing on the NYSE.

English2018-08-22 18:20:27


1乘用车同比增长45.6% 比亚迪9月销量419426辆
乘用车同比增长45.6%  比亚迪9月销量419426辆


2极氪9月共交付21333台 同比增长77%
极氪9月共交付21333台  同比增长77%



“车圈最拼CEO”亲自带货 极越品牌9月交付量达2605台。

4零跑汽车9月交付达33767台 同比增长113.7%
零跑汽车9月交付达33767台  同比增长113.7%


5深蓝汽车9月总交付量22709辆 深蓝S05近期上市
深蓝汽车9月总交付量22709辆  深蓝S05近期上市

深蓝汽车交付量不断攀升,9月交付量同比增长 30.74%

6小鹏9月交付21352台 同比增长39%
小鹏9月交付21352台  同比增长39%

小鹏月交付量创新高,MONA M03交付破万台。

7智己9月销量4516台 同比上涨150%
智己9月销量4516台  同比上涨150%


8雷克萨斯RX 300骏享版正式上市 售价38万元
雷克萨斯RX 300骏享版正式上市 售价38万元

雷克萨斯新RX 300骏享版正式上市,官方指导价为38万元起。



10林肯领航员伯爵特别版上市 售102.8万元
林肯领航员伯爵特别版上市 售102.8万元
