


    VOYAH FREE mass trial production started and delivery in Q3

    IIA was informed that VOYAH FREE mass trial production has officially started, and mass production will be carried out in a complete full-process mass production mode. The new car is expected to be delivered in the third quarter of this year, and it is planned to establish 40 directly operated experience stores in key cities across the country.

    English2021-01-29 17:22:56

    Li Auto delivered over 20k vehicles in 10 months, setting a record

    It is reported that after Li ONE became the sales champion of China's new energy SUV market in September 2020, as of October 18, 2020, Li Auto has delivered more than 20,000 Li ONEs to users. Since the official start of delivery in December 2019, Li Auto has set a record of the fastest delivery of 20,000 vehicles for new models of new domestic car manufacturers in only 10 months.

    English2020-10-19 15:11:57

    SAIC R ER6 delivered formally, driving over 600 km on a single charge

    On September 17, IIA learned from SAIC R that its Beijing delivery center formally opened, and the first batch of SAIC R ER6 was also delivered to consumers simultaneously. The new car is the first pure electric sedan under SAIC R Auto. It adopts a brand-new design as a whole and is priced from 162,800 yuan to 200,800 yuan. In terms of power, the new car uses a three-in-one electric drive assembly with a comprehensive cruising range of 620 kilometers.

    English2020-09-18 17:10:21

    Tesla's Q2 revenue was USD 6.036 billion, made profit for 4 consecutive quarters

    Tesla released its 2020 Q2 financial report. It is reported that Tesla’s Q2 revenue reached USD 6.036 billion and net profit was USD 104 million. It has made profit for 4 consecutive quarters. Affected by the new crown epidemic in Q2, Tesla's Fremont plant stopped production, and the Shanghai Gigafactory became the main force for delivery.

    English2020-07-23 11:52:53

    Tesla Q2 delivery exceeds expectations, employee pay cut ended

    It is reported that Tesla's human resources department has informed the company's employees that the new crown epidemic has put pressure on the company's operations. Since mid-April, it has reduced the salary of the business department by 10% to 30%.

    English2020-07-06 11:09:53


    1雷克萨斯RX 300骏享版正式上市 售价38万元
    雷克萨斯RX 300骏享版正式上市 售价38万元

    雷克萨斯新RX 300骏享版正式上市,官方指导价为38万元起。



    3林肯领航员伯爵特别版上市 售102.8万元
    林肯领航员伯爵特别版上市 售102.8万元




    5十万级出行好搭子 静态体验蓝电E5 PLUS
    十万级出行好搭子 静态体验蓝电E5 PLUS

    出众的设计,越级的配置,十万级舒享百变大空间的蓝电E5 PLUS,是你的菜吗?



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    五菱宏光纯电版正式上市 售价6.98万-7.28万元




    9深蓝S07新增City LCC Plus,红绿灯路口流畅通行
    深蓝S07新增City LCC Plus,红绿灯路口流畅通行

    9月底,深蓝S07将正式OTA推送城区车道巡航辅助增强(City LCC Plus)功能

    10极越07实测续航846km 续航达成率96.14%
    极越07实测续航846km 续航达成率96.14%
