


Tesla releases Model S Plaid with over 1100 hp

On September 23, IIA learned that Tesla recently held a "Tesla Battery Day" at the Fremont Super Factory. On this battery day, Tesla demonstrated a number of innovative technologies such as cell design, cell factory, anode materials, cathode materials, and vehicle manufacturing, and released the Model S Plaid with a new powertrain. The new car has a maximum power of more than 1,100 horsepower and a quarter-mile acceleration time of less than 9 seconds. It is reported that the car will be delivered next year.

English2020-09-24 14:29:39

SAIC R ER6 delivered formally, driving over 600 km on a single charge

On September 17, IIA learned from SAIC R that its Beijing delivery center formally opened, and the first batch of SAIC R ER6 was also delivered to consumers simultaneously. The new car is the first pure electric sedan under SAIC R Auto. It adopts a brand-new design as a whole and is priced from 162,800 yuan to 200,800 yuan. In terms of power, the new car uses a three-in-one electric drive assembly with a comprehensive cruising range of 620 kilometers.

English2020-09-18 17:10:21

WM releases AVP autonomous parking technology

On September 15, IIA learned from WM Motors that the automaker officially released its AVP autonomous parking technology jointly developed with Baidu, and new mass-produced models equipped with this technology were also unveiled simultaneously. At this point, WM has become the world's fastest to land and mass-produce L4 autonomous driving technology brand. It is understood that this model is expected to be officially launched in 2021.

English2020-09-17 17:02:53

SAIC MAXUS hydrogen-powered MPV unveiled

IIA learned from SAIC MAXUS that its new fuel cell vehicle, EUNIQ 7, is based on the G20 and is equipped with SAIC MAXUS’s third-generation hydrogen fuel cell system. The vehicle has a comprehensive cruising range of more than 600 kilometers and is expected to be officially launched at the end of 2020.

English2020-09-17 13:50:16

Chery Ant will be launched on Sept 22

It is reported that Chery Ant will be listed on September 22. The pre-sale of the new car has already started, and a total of two models of the high-energy version and the high-energy Pro version have been launched. The new car is based on the @LIFE ultra-lightweight vehicle platform and an all-aluminum body. The newly designed exterior style is bold and avant-garde. In terms of power, Chery Ant is equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous motor with a comprehensive cruising range of 510km.

English2020-09-11 16:59:00

Geely's first pickup rolled off the assembly line

IIA learned from Geely that the Geely Yuancheng FX pickup has officially rolled off the assembly line. In terms of appearance, the new car adopts a brand-new family style, and the shield-shaped grille is equipped with a waterfall-style decorative strip, which is full of visual impact. In terms of power, this pickup is equipped with a 1.8TD gasoline engine.

English2020-08-28 17:01:09

Land Rover releases new Discovery Sport and Range Rover Evoque

Land Rover recently launched the new Discovery Sport and Range Rover Evoque. The main change of the new car is the addition of a new powertrain, including a light hybrid power system consisting of a 2.0L four-cylinder diesel engine, a 1.5T three-cylinder gasoline engine and a plug-in hybrid power system composed of 1.5T engines. In addition, Discovery Sport and Range Rover Evoque also launched two special edition models.

English2020-08-27 16:53:22

Is it a new era of Chinese luxury cars?

From any perspective, Hongqi H9 is the biggest focus of this year's luxury car market.

English2020-08-26 18:20:22

Beijing Hyundai Festa BEV (Power System) Open Class

In the growing domestic new energy vehicle market, A-class BEV occupy the absolute main force, accounting for 36% of the new energy vehicle market in 2020. Reasonable body size and moderate price are one of the important factors that attract consumers' attention. At the same time, the core technology of the "three-electric system" and the actual performance of the cruising range also play a decisive factor when users purchase.

English2020-08-19 15:35:54

Lexus registers RZ 450e as a trademark

It is reported that Lexus has registered a new trademark of RZ 450e in the United States, Europe and Australia. According to Lexus's model naming rules, the new car may be positioned as a pure electric crossover SUV, or refer to the design of the LF-30 concept.

English2020-08-14 17:44:36

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1乘用车同比增长45.6% 比亚迪9月销量419426辆
乘用车同比增长45.6%  比亚迪9月销量419426辆


2极氪9月共交付21333台 同比增长77%
极氪9月共交付21333台  同比增长77%



“车圈最拼CEO”亲自带货 极越品牌9月交付量达2605台。

4零跑汽车9月交付达33767台 同比增长113.7%
零跑汽车9月交付达33767台  同比增长113.7%


5深蓝汽车9月总交付量22709辆 深蓝S05近期上市
深蓝汽车9月总交付量22709辆  深蓝S05近期上市

深蓝汽车交付量不断攀升,9月交付量同比增长 30.74%

6小鹏9月交付21352台 同比增长39%
小鹏9月交付21352台  同比增长39%

小鹏月交付量创新高,MONA M03交付破万台。

7智己9月销量4516台 同比上涨150%
智己9月销量4516台  同比上涨150%


8雷克萨斯RX 300骏享版正式上市 售价38万元
雷克萨斯RX 300骏享版正式上市 售价38万元

雷克萨斯新RX 300骏享版正式上市,官方指导价为38万元起。



10林肯领航员伯爵特别版上市 售102.8万元
林肯领航员伯爵特别版上市 售102.8万元
