


Official photos of the new Toyota Camry revealed

IIA obtained a set of official pictures of the new Camry, US version. Seeing from the picture, the front face of the new car has been redesigned, and the larger vents on both sides make the car sportier. For the interior, the new Camry is equipped with a new style of seats, and the details of the center console have been adjusted. In terms of power, the car provides 3.5L V6, 2.5L four-cylinder and 2.5L hybrid power combinations.

English2020-07-17 17:37:09

WM's sales hit a new high in June, up 77.8% MoM in Q2

IIA learned from WM Motor that the automaker's sales in June reached 2,028 vehicles, an increase of 34.9% month-on-month, and it has achieved month-on-month growth for four consecutive months. Although the emergence of COVID-19 has brought a certain impact to the automobile industry, but as the epidemic gradually improved, the automobile market has gradually recovered.

English2020-07-07 16:58:16

Tesla Q2 delivery exceeds expectations, employee pay cut ended

It is reported that Tesla's human resources department has informed the company's employees that the new crown epidemic has put pressure on the company's operations. Since mid-April, it has reduced the salary of the business department by 10% to 30%.

English2020-07-06 11:09:53

Dongfeng deepen cooperation with CATL to boost high-quality development of NEV

IIA learned from Dongfeng Motor Group Co., Ltd. that Dongfeng and CATL have signed a framework agreement on deepening strategic cooperation. The two parties will further deepen strategic cooperation to jointly improve the ecology of China's new energy vehicle industry and contribute to the high-quality development of China's new energy vehicle industry.

English2020-06-17 14:59:38

BMS self-developed by China FAW passed OTS approval

IIA learned from China FAW that under the joint efforts of the project management department of China FAW New Energy Development Institute and the Battery Research Institute,

English2020-06-16 14:49:16

Aion V officially rolled off, Level-3 automatic driving

Aion V is a new compact SUV launched by GAC NE. The new car has been pre-sold, and the pre-sale price after subsidy is from 170,000 yuan.

English2020-06-10 13:49:54

重新定义豪华运动SUV 广汽讴歌NEW CDX初体验


导购2020-06-08 07:00:01

增A-Spec运动款 广汽讴歌新款CDX预售23万元起

CDX是讴歌品牌的首款国产车型。近日,网通社从广汽讴歌官方获悉,讴歌NEW CDX正式开启预售,预售价为23万元起。作为中期改款车型,新车将推出燃油版和混动版两种不同动力总成,共计8个配置版本的车型,同时还包括消费者期待已久的NEW CDX A-Spec运动款。

新车2020-06-05 14:19:51

New BEIJING-EU5 will be launched in July with a new LOGO

IIA learned from BEIJING: The new BEIJING-EU5 has already started accepting reservations. The new car adopts the new "BEIJING" logo, while upgrading the interior, interaction, comfort, performance and other aspects, and the product power is further improved. At present, the new EU5 can be booked in Beijing. In addition, the new car will hit the market in July.

English2020-06-03 17:10:05

BYD sold over 30k in April, fuel up 36% YoY

BYD announced its sales results for April 2020. IIA received news from BYD that the brand sold a total of 31,076 new cars in April,

English2020-05-09 17:32:05

上一页 1... 5 6 7 8 9 ... 下一页共121条 跳至第


1乘用车同比增长45.6% 比亚迪9月销量419426辆
乘用车同比增长45.6%  比亚迪9月销量419426辆


2极氪9月共交付21333台 同比增长77%
极氪9月共交付21333台  同比增长77%



“车圈最拼CEO”亲自带货 极越品牌9月交付量达2605台。

4零跑汽车9月交付达33767台 同比增长113.7%
零跑汽车9月交付达33767台  同比增长113.7%


5深蓝汽车9月总交付量22709辆 深蓝S05近期上市
深蓝汽车9月总交付量22709辆  深蓝S05近期上市

深蓝汽车交付量不断攀升,9月交付量同比增长 30.74%

6小鹏9月交付21352台 同比增长39%
小鹏9月交付21352台  同比增长39%

小鹏月交付量创新高,MONA M03交付破万台。

7智己9月销量4516台 同比上涨150%
智己9月销量4516台  同比上涨150%


8雷克萨斯RX 300骏享版正式上市 售价38万元
雷克萨斯RX 300骏享版正式上市 售价38万元

雷克萨斯新RX 300骏享版正式上市,官方指导价为38万元起。



10林肯领航员伯爵特别版上市 售102.8万元
林肯领航员伯爵特别版上市 售102.8万元
