


Chery sold 88,000 vehicles in October, up 25% YoY

IIA learned from Chery Group that the automaker sold 88,000 new cars in October, an increase of 28.1% month-on-month and a year-on-year increase of 25%. Specifically, the domestic sales volume was 74,903 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 20.4%, and 13,001 vehicles were exported, a year-on-year increase of 60.3%. NEV sales reached 5,451 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 43.6%.

English2020-11-04 10:37:49

Buick sold 99,057 new cars in October, up 27% YoY

IIA learned from SAIC GM that the Buick brand sold 99,057 vehicles in October, a year-on-year increase of 27%. Cumulative sales of 687,439 vehicles from January to October 2020.

English2020-11-02 17:52:49

China-made Model 3 starts exporting to Europe

IIA learned from Tesla that the Chinese-made vehicles exported to Europe at the Tesla Super Factory Shanghai were held at the Tesla Super Factory Shanghai. The Model 3 made in China passed all certification requirements for entering the European market and was officially exported to more than ten European countries including Germany, France, Italy, and Switzerland. High-quality smart electric vehicles made in China are accelerating their global presence.

English2020-10-27 15:45:39

Li Auto delivered over 20k vehicles in 10 months, setting a record

It is reported that after Li ONE became the sales champion of China's new energy SUV market in September 2020, as of October 18, 2020, Li Auto has delivered more than 20,000 Li ONEs to users. Since the official start of delivery in December 2019, Li Auto has set a record of the fastest delivery of 20,000 vehicles for new models of new domestic car manufacturers in only 10 months.

English2020-10-19 15:11:57

GAC Toyota's sales in the first three quarters increased by 10% YoY

IIA learned from GAC Toyota that its September sales reached 81,000 vehicles, setting a new historical monthly sales record with a year-on-year increase of 25%. In the first three quarters of this year, the cumulative sales of GAC Toyota reached 543,449, a year-on-year increase of 10%.

English2020-10-15 17:18:43

GAC Honda sales in September up 24.2% YoY

It is reported that GAC Honda has sold 548,879 vehicles from January to September. GAC Honda sold 87,786 vehicles in September, a year-on-year increase of 24.2%. At the same time, GAC Honda’s cumulative sales in the third quarter were 232,114, a year-on-year increase of 29.7%.

English2020-10-13 17:00:37

Chery sold more than 69,000 vehicles in September

IIA learned from Chery Holding Group that the group sold 69,075 cars in September, and all of its auto brands showed a growth trend. Among them, Chery Automobile sold 42,317 vehicles in September, a year-on-year increase of 9.9%, of which 28,241 vehicles were sold domestically and 9,991 were exported, representing year-on-year growth rates of 3.5% and 25.3% respectively. In addition, Chery's new energy vehicle market performed equally well in September, with sales of 4,085 units, a year-on-year increase of 25.8%.

English2020-10-12 13:09:43

Renault: China's light commercial vehicle market will face drastic changes in next 5 years

The leading role of the light commercial vehicle market has been played by the Renault Group. Especially in European countries, the type and market share of light commercial vehicles sold by the Renault Group are far ahead of other automakers and take the lead. In the Chinese market, Renault Group is playing the role of a "second pioneer", hoping to accelerate the launch of Renault Group's light commercial vehicles and electric vehicles in China through the revival of the Renault Brilliance Jinbei.

English2020-09-22 17:38:02

GAC Toyota sold another 70,000 vehicles in August

IIA learned from GAC Toyota that sales in August reached 70,247 vehicles, breaking the 70,000 mark again, an increase of 19% year-on-year. From January to August 2020, GAC Toyota's cumulative sales reached 462,632 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 10%.

English2020-09-11 14:17:19

SAIC-GM's cumulative production and sales exceeded 20 mln units

On August 12, IIA learned that SAIC-GM has produced and sold over 20 million vehicles in the 23 years since its establishment. At present, SAIC General Motors has four production bases in Pudong Jinqiao, Yantai Dongyue, Shenyang Beisheng and Wuhan branch, with a total of 9 vehicle production plants and 4 powertrain plants nationwide. It has more than 20 product series under three major brands: Buick, Chevrolet, and Cadillac.

English2020-08-12 17:40:22

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1五菱宏光纯电版正式上市 售价6.98万-7.28万元
五菱宏光纯电版正式上市 售价6.98万-7.28万元




3深蓝S07新增City LCC Plus,红绿灯路口流畅通行
深蓝S07新增City LCC Plus,红绿灯路口流畅通行

9月底,深蓝S07将正式OTA推送城区车道巡航辅助增强(City LCC Plus)功能

4极越07实测续航846km 续航达成率96.14%
极越07实测续航846km 续航达成率96.14%




6岚图知音将于10月13日正式上市 预售20.99万元起
岚图知音将于10月13日正式上市 预售20.99万元起


7吉利将发布新一代超级电混 馈电油耗进入2L时代
吉利将发布新一代超级电混 馈电油耗进入2L时代


8马自达EZ-6开启预售 预售价16万-20万元
马自达EZ-6开启预售 预售价16万-20万元


9凯迪拉克全新XT5正式上市 售26.59万-33.59万元
凯迪拉克全新XT5正式上市 售26.59万-33.59万元


