


2023AutoVision China颁奖典礼在慕尼黑国际车展举行

比亚迪、广汽、极氪和零跑在AutoVision Awards全球大会上摘得了2023AutoVision China年度品牌大奖。

厂商要闻2023-09-07 18:31:02

年营收77亿欧元 采埃孚中国加速本土化战略

柯皓哲博士强调,用一句话来说采埃孚本地化策略就是“在中国,为中国 (In China, For China)。”

行业2023-03-27 17:56:16

The Chinese market saves Tesla again on the chip issue

The shortage of automotive electronic chips has forced many car companies to sus

English2021-04-25 16:29:50

DS stages a comeback and presses the "Restart" button

The position of French cars in China has been embarrassing in recent years, espe

English2021-04-01 18:18:26

VW: Challenges and opportunities coexist in China in 2021

Over the past three years, the development of China's new energy vehicle market

English2021-03-22 17:30:08

VW Power Day reveals plans for batteries and charging

A week ago, Volkswagen Group held a Power Day event, Volkswagen CEO Herbert Dies

English2021-03-17 16:45:34

Nissan sold 146,245 units in China in Jan, up 23.8% YoY

IIA learned that Nissan's sales in China in January reached 146,245 units, a year-on-year increase of 23.8%. At the same time, Dongfeng Nissan (including Dongfeng Nissan and Venucia), Dongfeng Motor Co., Ltd. and Zhengzhou Nissan achieved double-digit sales growth.

English2021-02-07 15:32:06

China FAW plans to sell more than 6 million vehicles in 2025

On February 1, China FAW and Hongqi brand held the 2021 Information Annual Conference. At the meeting, the results of the "13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020)" and the "14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025)" and plans for various brands under China FAW this year were released. IIA learned that by 2025, China FAW will achieve sales of more than 6 million vehicles, an average annual growth of about 8%, and operating income of over one trillion yuan, an average annual growth of 8% to 9%.

English2021-02-03 17:13:34

VW accelerates electrification, and Chinese market demand has become dominant

In 2020, under the dual pressure of economic contraction and COVID-19, the total sales of China's auto market will fall back to about 20 million vehicles, a year-on-year decrease of about 6%, which has led to fiercer competition for the market share of major auto groups. Even in such a general environment, Volkswagen Group (China) delivered 3.85 million vehicles throughout the year, with a market share of 19.3%, accounting for nearly one-fifth of the entire Chinese auto market, and a well-deserved sales hegemon.

English2021-01-27 18:55:49

不仅销量领先 上汽大通还获中国杰出雇主2021奖

日前,网通社从官方获悉,上汽大通获得“中国杰出雇主2021(Top Employer China 2021)”认证。据了解,本次获奖与上汽大通在企业文化、人才资源数字化转型中不断赋能员工密不可分。

行业2021-01-25 16:14:03

上一页 1 2 3 4 5 6 下一页共58条 跳至第


1捷途旅行者20万纪念版上市 官方售价19.39万元
捷途旅行者20万纪念版上市 官方售价19.39万元


2大众汽车与小鹏汽车再联合 打造超快充网络
大众汽车与小鹏汽车再联合 打造超快充网络


3吉利今年内将推两款新车型 搭载超醇电混技术
吉利今年内将推两款新车型 搭载超醇电混技术


4东风风神2025款皓瀚上市 限时补贴价6.49万元起
东风风神2025款皓瀚上市 限时补贴价6.49万元起




62025款大众ID.4 CROZZ上市 一口价14.99万元起
2025款大众ID.4 CROZZ上市 一口价14.99万元起

日前,一汽-大众ID.4 CROZZ 2025款正式上市,其中纯享版一口价14.99万元,长续航PURE+版一口价18.59万元。

7普拉多推出全能TX限时智享版 权益价仅47.98万起
普拉多推出全能TX限时智享版 权益价仅47.98万起



在这一片 “涨声” 之中,市场格局变化也已埋下新的伏笔。



10路特斯正式更名为莲花跑车 那个莲花它回来了
路特斯正式更名为莲花跑车 那个莲花它回来了
