


明年使用 保时捷北美总部将安装太阳能电网系统

保时捷汽车北美公司宣布与Cherry Street Energy达成合作,将在其位于美国佐治亚州亚特兰大市的总部安装太阳能电网系统,并在2023年启动运行。

新能源2022-08-16 15:36:49


韩国电池制造商LG能源(LG Energy Solution)计划与本田汽车在美国建立一家电池合资公司,并生产车规电池。

行业2022-01-16 11:03:36

市值约590亿美元 LG Energy Solution将启动IPO

LG Energy Solution将于明年1月启动IPO上市进程,此次IPO将涉及其18.3%的股份,价值约108亿美元(折合人民币约687.3亿元)。

新能源2021-12-15 18:14:25

LG研发“新型”磷酸锂铁电池 多家车企有望采用

LG Energy Solution正在研发 LFP 磷酸铁锂电池,将采用软包形式而不是方形或圆柱形,预计在2022年建成一条实验生产线。

行业2021-09-10 11:01:11

提供全面的能源计划 通用和壳牌合作开发充电站

日前,通用与壳牌旗下电力公司MP2 Energy表示,双方正在美国得克萨斯州启动联合项目,并将在7月底增加电动充电选项。

行业2021-06-27 13:00:02

VW: Challenges and opportunities coexist in China in 2021

Over the past three years, the development of China's new energy vehicle market

English2021-03-22 17:30:08

The 2nd batch of Xpeng G3 was officially shipped to Norway

IIA learned that after the first batch of 100 G3s were exported to Norway in 2020 and delivered, the second batch of 209 Xpeng G3s has recently been shipped to Norway from Guangzhou Xinsha Port. It is reported that Xpeng Motors prefers Norway not only because of its supportive policies on clean energy and advanced charging infrastructure, but also because of Norwegian consumers' high awareness of electric vehicles.

English2021-02-05 16:51:57

2020 was just the beginning for Tesla

A few years ago, some people might question whether new energy vehicles can really replace fuel vehicles and become the mainstream of the automotive market in the future. However, as various countries announce the timing of the ban on the sale of fuel vehicles and their policy support for the new energy industry, there is no doubt that new energy vehicles have become one of the hottest topics at present.

English2021-02-01 17:40:02

Changan EV enters the micro BEV market

On December 24, 2020, a report released by the National Big Data Alliance of New Energy Vehicles, together with some institutions, in Beijing showed that the average annual market share of small pure electric passenger vehicles has reached about 40% in recent years. The potential consumer market makes Hongguang MINI EV the world's second best-selling new energy vehicle.

English2021-01-26 17:57:38

SAIC Volkswagen ID. Store X settled in Chengdu

IIA learned that SAIC Volkswagen's digital city showroom ID. Store X is located in Chengdu in southwest China. ID. Store X integrates brand experience, online celebrity check-in, product display, customer sales and other functions, and will help the ID. series of pure electric new energy vehicles go on sale with new retail formats.

English2021-01-14 17:51:25

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3奔驰纯电动G 580首发特别版预售 预售价217.00万
奔驰纯电动G 580首发特别版预售 预售价217.00万

10月18日,全新奔驰纯电动G 580首发特别版开启预售,预售价217.00万元。

4全新奔驰G 500/G 63上市 售价186.80万元起
全新奔驰G 500/G 63上市 售价186.80万元起

10月18日,全新梅赛德斯-奔驰G500、AMG G63正式上市。其中,全新奔驰G500售价186.80万元;全新奔驰AMG G63售价259.55万元。

5AION RT迅猛龙将于11月上市 预售价11.98万元起
AION RT迅猛龙将于11月上市 预售价11.98万元起

日前,在2024世界智能网联汽车大会上,广汽集团董事长曾庆洪做了重要发言。此外,还公布了AION RT迅猛龙将于11月正式上市交付。





8智能化也不再客气 奇瑞全球创新大会开幕
智能化也不再客气 奇瑞全球创新大会开幕


9加码在华研发 现代汽车投资成立全资法人公司
加码在华研发 现代汽车投资成立全资法人公司

现代汽车将以前瞻技术研发中心为基点,持续构建在中国的技术生态体系,不断推动“Hyundai way”战略落地。

10蓝电E5 PLUS正式上市 售价9.98万-13.58万元
蓝电E5 PLUS正式上市 售价9.98万-13.58万元

10月17日,蓝电E5 PLUS正式上市,新车共推出5款车型,售价区间为9.98万-13.58万元。