


Ora mirrors the true strength of GWM

Recently, the China Passenger Car Association (CPCA) released the sales data of NEVs in the first quarter of this year. Among them, as a large number of new products being introduced into the market, the rankings of the brands were also changed compared with the same period last year. The newly launched Ora R1, whose brand is under the Great Wall Motor (GWM), entered the first quarter of the new energy sales list for the first time, and ranked ninth. Since its launch in January 2019, the Ora R1 has increased in three consecutive months, with sales reaching 7,588 units, creating a good start for GWM.

English2019-05-06 16:32:16

FAW-Hongqi enters new energy field, 15 new to be built in 7 years

At Auto Show 2018, FAW-Hongqi released the first new energy SUV concept car, the Hongqi E-HS3. Recently, IIA learnt from FAW-Hongqi that the red flag E-HS3 has officially rolled out. As the first pure electric SUV, the launch of the E-HS3 is an important step for the brand to implement the new energy plan, reflecting the determination to develop new energy fields.

English2018-12-29 16:07:30

Seriously? NEVs are easier to be caught on fire than fuel ones?

ecently, new energy vehicles have triggered a wave of attention, because both domestic and foreign, in the past two months, there have been incidents of spontaneous combustion of pure electric vehicles. In addition, we also found an interesting trend from the incidents of electric vehicles: when a fuel car catches fire, people often say, "VW is on fire" or "Ford is on fire", while one pure electric vehicle catches fire, almost all the people may only say "The NEV is on fire." Although it is just a joke, this phenomenon is indeed worth pondering. Isn't the NEV, which has always been called the future trend of automobile, so unpopular? Are NEVs really prone to spontaneous combustion than fuel vehicles?

English2018-09-27 18:00:33

GAC Trumpchi GE3 530 joined 400km club

There are a lot of self-developed NEV models with great performance and long cruising range, but the appearance is always unsatisfactory. In order to show new energy characteristics, some automakers adopt blue and green large decorative panels abruptly. In order to highlight the sense of science and technology, some deliberately designed an uncoordinated shape. Before the advent of GAC Trumpchi GE3, there was really no pleasing product.

English2018-09-12 17:51:20

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3奔驰纯电动G 580首发特别版预售 预售价217.00万
奔驰纯电动G 580首发特别版预售 预售价217.00万

10月18日,全新奔驰纯电动G 580首发特别版开启预售,预售价217.00万元。

4全新奔驰G 500/G 63上市 售价186.80万元起
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10月18日,全新梅赛德斯-奔驰G500、AMG G63正式上市。其中,全新奔驰G500售价186.80万元;全新奔驰AMG G63售价259.55万元。

5AION RT迅猛龙将于11月上市 预售价11.98万元起
AION RT迅猛龙将于11月上市 预售价11.98万元起

日前,在2024世界智能网联汽车大会上,广汽集团董事长曾庆洪做了重要发言。此外,还公布了AION RT迅猛龙将于11月正式上市交付。





8智能化也不再客气 奇瑞全球创新大会开幕
智能化也不再客气 奇瑞全球创新大会开幕


9加码在华研发 现代汽车投资成立全资法人公司
加码在华研发 现代汽车投资成立全资法人公司

现代汽车将以前瞻技术研发中心为基点,持续构建在中国的技术生态体系,不断推动“Hyundai way”战略落地。

10蓝电E5 PLUS正式上市 售价9.98万-13.58万元
蓝电E5 PLUS正式上市 售价9.98万-13.58万元

10月17日,蓝电E5 PLUS正式上市,新车共推出5款车型,售价区间为9.98万-13.58万元。