


领克09率先搭载 领克发布智能座舱LYNK OS N

领克发布全新智能座舱LYNK OS N,官方表示该系统在流畅度、易用性和用户体验上均有突破,将于3月内率先在领克09车型进行OTA推送。

新车2023-03-20 11:11:31

搭魅族车机系统 领克全新中型SUV将3月30日发布

领克08将于3月30日发布。新车定位为中型新能源SUV,动力上搭载Lynk E-Motive智能电混系统下全新开发的四缸电混专用发动机及电混专用变速箱。

新能源2023-03-14 16:14:17

驾驶辅助增强 领克09将推送LYNK OS Y 1.2.0


科技前瞻2022-08-22 17:27:15

The first Lynk & Co 01 PHEV models will be launched in Europe soon

On January 27th, IIA was informed that since the launch of the new Lynk & Co 01, so far the order volume has exceeded 10,000 units. In the past 2020, Lynk & Co has achieved double growth in the domestic market for nine consecutive months, with total annual sales reaching 175,456 units, an increase of approximately 37% year-on-year. In addition, the all-new Lynk & Co 01 has also started the globalization strategy as a "new global car". T

English2021-01-28 15:18:12

Mass production of Lynk & Co ZERO concept reached 100km/h within 4s

IIA has learned that Lynk & Co’s ZERO concept mass-produced car has fully started dynamic performance testing and calibration at the China Automobile Salt Lake Test Field, including professional tests such as elk testing and track performance testing. This also means that Lynk & Co's ZERO concept is getting closer and closer to mass production.

English2020-12-14 16:43:21

The new Lynk & Co 01 will go on sale on Dec 1

IIA learned from Lynk & Co that the new Lynk & Co 01 will be on sale on December 1. The car has been pre-sold before, the two-wheel drive model pre-sale range is 180,000-200,000, and the global version model pre-sale range is 208,800-238,800. The new car is the Lynk & Co 01 mid-term facelift. The appearance has changed in details, and the interior and configuration have been upgraded.

English2020-11-25 17:33:07

The latest design of Lynk & Co ZERO concept interior is exposed

IIA has recently obtained a set of interior pictures of Lynk & Co ZERO concept. The interior of the new car will adopt a new design language and be equipped with a large-size floating LCD screen. In addition, the car is based on a pure electric platform PMA, and the cruising range is expected to exceed 700km.

English2020-10-12 16:03:29

Geely down another 27% in May, only complete 37% of 2019 sales target currently

In April, Geely's sales volume was only 103,900 units, down 19% year-on-year. Recently, IIA learned from Geely: Geely, including the LYNK&CO brand, sold only 90,309 units in May, down 27% year-on-year and down 13% from the previous month, falling for two consecutive months. In the first five months of this year, Geely's cumulative sales volume was 560,805 units, down about 12% year-on-year, and only completed 37% of the annual sales target of 1.51 million units.

English2019-06-11 17:02:09




2昊铂NDA3.0 端到端再突破全国自己开
昊铂NDA3.0 端到端再突破全国自己开


3东风风神L7 EV售价10.99万起,全系续航518km
东风风神L7 EV售价10.99万起,全系续航518km






6第二代宋Pro DM-i售11.28万起 综合续航达1400km
第二代宋Pro DM-i售11.28万起 综合续航达1400km

比亚迪王朝网旗下第二代宋Pro DM-i正式上市,共推出4款车型,售价区间为11.28万-14.28万元。



8长安启源E07预售价24.99万起 高阶智终身免费
长安启源E07预售价24.99万起 高阶智终身免费


9郑州日产锐骐6 pro上市 售价9.19万元起
郑州日产锐骐6 pro上市 售价9.19万元起

日前,郑州日产锐骐6 pro正式上市,新车提供35种款型选择,其中,汽油版车型售价区间为9.19-11.49万元,柴油版车型售价区间为9.69-13.29万元。

10深蓝L07正式上市 售价15.19-17.39万元
深蓝L07正式上市 售价15.19-17.39万元
