


BJ Hyundai aims at “Another 10 M”, to reach 100K sales within 2yr

December 23, the Beijing Hyundai’s 10 millionth car delivered to the customer, and at the same time, Beijing Hyundai officially announced that the “ten million users” system has been formed. As one of the car companies that have been under tremendous pressure in the past two years, Beijing Hyundai has entered the “ten million club”. It is an important time node and a new starting point as well.

English2018-12-24 16:49:17

Mercedes-Benz GLE 450 4Matic 2018 review

The Mercedes-Benz GLE has attracted over two million sales worldwide since it first went on sale badged as the M-class in 1997. To suggest it has been a success is stating the obvious. However, the market this new fourth-generation model will enter in China in 2019 is a vastly different proposition to the one its first generation sibling entered over two decades ago.

English2018-11-21 08:05:15

Commentary on China and the 2018 Guangzhou motor show

Nineteen million. That is how many passenger cars have been sold in China in 2018, at least up to the end of October. And with the overall sales figure growing at the rate of one million or so every two weeks, it has likely already topped the twenty million mark by now. And that's even before light commercial vehicles, which also do big business here, are taken into consideration.

English2018-11-17 15:51:37

Will auto’s “Gold Sep & Silver Oct” go down the pan?

September to October has always been the yearly high season for China’s consumption market, with the market calling the period “Golden Sep and Silver Oct”.

English2018-10-16 20:05:33

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3奔驰纯电动G 580首发特别版预售 预售价217.00万
奔驰纯电动G 580首发特别版预售 预售价217.00万

10月18日,全新奔驰纯电动G 580首发特别版开启预售,预售价217.00万元。

4全新奔驰G 500/G 63上市 售价186.80万元起
全新奔驰G 500/G 63上市 售价186.80万元起

10月18日,全新梅赛德斯-奔驰G500、AMG G63正式上市。其中,全新奔驰G500售价186.80万元;全新奔驰AMG G63售价259.55万元。

5AION RT迅猛龙将于11月上市 预售价11.98万元起
AION RT迅猛龙将于11月上市 预售价11.98万元起

日前,在2024世界智能网联汽车大会上,广汽集团董事长曾庆洪做了重要发言。此外,还公布了AION RT迅猛龙将于11月正式上市交付。





8智能化也不再客气 奇瑞全球创新大会开幕
智能化也不再客气 奇瑞全球创新大会开幕


9加码在华研发 现代汽车投资成立全资法人公司
加码在华研发 现代汽车投资成立全资法人公司

现代汽车将以前瞻技术研发中心为基点,持续构建在中国的技术生态体系,不断推动“Hyundai way”战略落地。

10蓝电E5 PLUS正式上市 售价9.98万-13.58万元
蓝电E5 PLUS正式上市 售价9.98万-13.58万元

10月17日,蓝电E5 PLUS正式上市,新车共推出5款车型,售价区间为9.98万-13.58万元。