


持续收获好评 ID.4获“2021世界年度车”大奖

ID.4获“2021世界年度车”大奖(World Car of the Year),而上汽大众ID.4 X正是基于大众品牌全球首款纯电动SUV ID.4而来。

行业2021-04-23 17:20:30

Changan APA6.0 smart parking technology debuts in the world

In the context of the wave of automobile intelligence, Changan Automobile announ

English2021-03-03 16:44:08

See how Mercedes-Benz can help to build a "comfort zone"

On the evening of February 23, the new Mercedes-Benz C-Class sedan held a global

English2021-02-25 15:08:35

Jaguar Land Rover releases Q1 results for fiscal 2020/21

On July 31, Jaguar Land Rover announced its performance for the first quarter of the 2020/21 fiscal year (April to June 2020). Due to the impact of the shutdown and production in major markets around the world, Jaguar Land Rover’s global revenue for the fiscal quarter 2.9 billion pounds. It is worth mentioning that from April to June this year, Jaguar Land Rover's sales in China continued the steady upward trend since the end of the first quarter.

English2020-08-03 14:32:03

Human Horizons and Microsoft cooperate on AI partner

On July 10, IIA learned from HiPhi that Human Horizons and Microsoft announced a strategic cooperation between the two parties at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference 2020 (WAIC 2020), relying on Microsoft's artificial intelligence technology to jointly develop the world's first active AI partner, HiPhiGo, on HiPhi, so as to provide users with a better mobility experience, while promoting the integration of AI and transportation industry innovation and development.

English2020-07-13 14:24:21

The last 18 legendary BMW i8s leave the factory

On June 25th, German time, the last 18 BMW i8s of different colors exited the BMW Group Leipzig factory gate, and their owners are waiting for their arrival, which also marks the official withdrawal of this classic hybrid sports car from history. Since its launch in 2014, the BMW i8 has delivered a total of 20,500 vehicles, making it one of the most popular hybrid sports cars in the world.

English2020-06-28 13:36:35

Aiways revealed new concept design, world premiere at Geneva Motor Show

Aiways recently announced that it will participate in the 2020 Geneva International Auto Show.

English2020-02-20 11:19:32

World Premiere of Mercedes-Maybach GLS, to be arrival in 2nd half of 2020

According to the news IIA got on Nov. 21 from Mercedes-Benz, the Maybach GLS will usher in its world premiere in 2019 Guangzhou Auto Show. This model will be arrival in the second half of next year.

English2019-11-22 17:04:46


1捷途旅行者20万纪念版上市 官方售价19.39万元
捷途旅行者20万纪念版上市 官方售价19.39万元


2大众汽车与小鹏汽车再联合 打造超快充网络
大众汽车与小鹏汽车再联合 打造超快充网络


3吉利今年内将推两款新车型 搭载超醇电混技术
吉利今年内将推两款新车型 搭载超醇电混技术


4东风风神2025款皓瀚上市 限时补贴价6.49万元起
东风风神2025款皓瀚上市 限时补贴价6.49万元起




62025款大众ID.4 CROZZ上市 一口价14.99万元起
2025款大众ID.4 CROZZ上市 一口价14.99万元起

日前,一汽-大众ID.4 CROZZ 2025款正式上市,其中纯享版一口价14.99万元,长续航PURE+版一口价18.59万元。

7普拉多推出全能TX限时智享版 权益价仅47.98万起
普拉多推出全能TX限时智享版 权益价仅47.98万起



在这一片 “涨声” 之中,市场格局变化也已埋下新的伏笔。



10路特斯正式更名为莲花跑车 那个莲花它回来了
路特斯正式更名为莲花跑车 那个莲花它回来了
